Education 🎓 

University College London |PhD in Foundational Artificial Intelligence | (2023 - 2027 expected)

Full PhD Scholarship by EPSRC and Google DeepMind.

University of Oxford | MSc Statistical Science| (2020 - 2021)

Dissertation: Robust Bayesian inference for Indo-European lexical trait evolution (Supervised by Prof. Geoff Nicholls)

University of Warwick | BSc Mathematics| (2017 - 2020)

Experience 💼

Emotional Mental Imagery Lab, Uppsala University |Statistical Analyst Consultant | (Dec 2022 - Jul 2023)

Using Machine Learning techniques combined with psychological theory to analyse intrusive memory text data, supporting clinical research evaluating a psychological intervention for intrusive trauma memories.

Supervised by Prof. Michael Bonsall and Prof. Emily Holmes

P1vital Products | Statistical Analyst | (Oct 2021 - Jul 2023)

Bayesian adaptive design techniques to evaluate a digital intervention for healthcare staff experiencing intrusive memories of traumatic events.

Supervised by Prof. Michael Bonsall and Prof. Emily Holmes

Correlation One | Data Science Fellow | (Sept 2021 - Nov 2021)

Portfolio Risk Team, Aon | Investment Consulting Intern | (Jun 2020 - Aug 2020)

Volunteer Activity 🙋🏾‍♀️

Volunteer helper for UCL x AI Fringe: Building a responsible AI future |

Organiser for OxWAC (Community for students of Asian Heritage) at University of Oxford

EquiStats Discussion Group in Oxford Statistics Department

One to One and Group Mentoring and Tutoring in Mathematics

Student Staff Liaison Committee for Maths Department at University of Warwick